Music Director for Carillon Belles Chorus
4. Music Director
? The Music Director is a consulting, non-voting member of the
Management Team, accountable for the planning and implementation of
the musical program of the Chorus.
? As required, choose a team of musical leaders to form a Music
Committee to assist in carrying out the musical program. The Music
Director is responsible for providing this team with the musical education
they need to carry out their functions. The Music Director brings the
recommendations of the Music Committee* to the Management Team
for decision and action.
? Attend all Management Team meetings and provide regular Music
Committee reports on upcoming plans and changes.
? As a member of the Management Team, the Music Director has the
same rights and responsibilities as any other member in good standing
and is not restricted to discussion topics of only music and education.
? Ensure or carry out all responsibilities as outlined in the Carillon Belles
Chorus Standing Rules, Section IV, item e, to teach and train Chorus
members to sing and perform four-part harmony, barbershop style
? In addition to above, duties as Music Director include:-
? Establish Chorus repertoire annually and revise as needed throughout
the year.
? Direct the Chorus at all approved performances, Chorus shows and
each competition for which the Chorus is eligible.
? Attend all regularly scheduled Chorus rehearsals, except in the case of
emergency or necessary absence, for which arrangements will be made
for (a) suitable replacement(s) to conduct Chorus rehearsals and/or
performances, and for appropriate payment. Provide as much advance
notice as possible to the Management Team Coordinator.
? Work with other Chairs/Committees, such as Membership,
Choreography and Costume to ensure that all are aligned to generate a
professional Chorus presentation in a timely fashion. Specifically,
July 15/23 Rev 02
Costume design and approval must be completed at six (6) months prior
to regional competition, as driven by Costume Chair.
? May be welcome to attend and offer input at other Chorus committee
? Attend Regional music schools and Director seminars and other
educational forums whenever possible, and submit requests for approval
by Management Team for financing of same, including expenses.
* Accountabilities outlined in Standing Rules under Section IV, item e.
For future consideration: Young Women in Harmony
: Growth in music and leadership skills
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